Catholic Volunteer Corps

catolic_volunteer_corps14The Daughters of St. Paul have a bookstore in Dedham but their main distribution center is in the convent in Jamaica Plain. It’s a huge facility. Earlier in the week, Shaun McKenna and Andy Lawlor, PGK and Zach McKenna went there and moved all of the metal shelving from the first floor to the basement via forklift. On July 12, Shaun, Al Papineau, Bill Killion, PGK, Grand Knight Jerry Alberico, and two members of St. Mary’s who assist with the CVC met at the convent. We disassembled all of the metal shelving (each one 7 feet tall) and there was lots of it. It was dirty, noisy, hard work but we got it all done by early afternoon. This was a wonderful act of charity and the sisters were very appreciative.

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson says Knights’ efforts follow pope’s call to help world’s poor



Repost from the Pilot

As an international fraternal organization, the Knights of Columbus is well-positioned to follow Pope Francis’ witness of “love for the sick, the suffering and the poor,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson.

That “extraordinary witness” and the pope’s admonition to all to cast aside indifference have “captured the imagination of the world,” he said Aug. 5 at the opening business session of the Knights’ 132nd Supreme Convention in Orlando.

Read more.

Scholarship Applications Due May 15, 2015

Scholarship forms are available at the Council for any member in good standing who has child who is a senior in high school and is going on to college. The form must be filled out and delivered to Robert Black, PGK by May 15, 2015.  You can leave the filled out form at the Council office in an envelope addressed to Robert Black. You can also mail the form and documentation to the Council.

Click here to download the pdf form.

Click here to download the Microsoft word form.

Dedham Knights of Columbus Christmas Party

Just want to remind all members that the Knights of Columbus Family party has been scheduled for Sunday December 1st at noon. We hope you and your family can stop by to help us celebrate the first day of Advent. Food and refreshments will be served along with activities for children.

Please reply back by Friday November 29th by clicking on this link to let us know whether or not you plan to attend.

Thank you!

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